Category Archives: Verso

Improved Digital Ad Serving for Verso Clients

Verso Advertising, Inc.

Great News for Verso Digital Clients

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  • Through its new partnership with AdSwerve, Verso Advertising gains a significantly improved level of direct in-house control over the entire ad serving process on behalf of its clients
  • Verso now can deliver state-of-the-art verification, standardization, and post-click tracking of campaign data across all the relevant measurement categories (CTR, CPM, CPC, CPA, etc.) on a daily basis
  • All these improvements are delivered at a minimal increased cost to the client


Verso · AdSwerve · DoubleClick


Verso Advertising is pleased to announce the next stage in the continuing evolution of our digital services. We are now offering all of our clients the benefits of a third party server for digital campaigns through a new agreement with AdSwerve, a provider of DoubleClick for Advertisers ad hosting and reporting. Continue reading

Verso Reader Survey: In the News

PaidContent reports on our latest Reader Survey:

“E-reader usage is growing beyond a group of early adopters, but new stats suggest that consumers are also increasingly resistant to buying an e-reader.”

The article does a good job of putting the Verso Survey results together with the latest numbers from Bowker/BISG.

eMarketer considers the Verso survey together with their own research and suggests there might be limits to the future growth of the e-reader market.

Our Survey provides a snapshot of consumer attitudes from December 2011, and over the past four surveys provides into the ways book-buyer sentiment and behavior have been shifting over the past three years.

Here’s a link to our slides from 2012 Winter Institute.

Here’s a link to our slides from 2012 Digital Book World.

Click here for links to news reports related to the latest Verso Survey of Book-Buying Behavior presented at Winter Institute and Digital Book World. Click here for a report from the survey presented at Tools of Change.

Also, check out Library Journal‘s report from Digital Book World, “A More Optimistic Unconference,” which noted “a markedly different psychology among the Big Six,” and remarked that “the all-important data to buy into a new, bigger picture [of the publishing ecosystem] is compelling.”


Verso Reader Survey: Reasons for Optimism

We are thrilled that our agency’s research was part of of two big reasons for optimism in book publishing over the past two weeks:  The American Booksellers Association “Winter Institute” and Digital Book World. Both conferences revealed crucial data from book publishing’s recent-past and evolving present, and both generated actionable ideas for our industry moving forward.

Here’s a link to our slides from 2012 Winter Institute.

Here’s a link to our slides from 2012 Digital Book World.

For links to news reports related to the latest Verso Survey of Book-Buying Behavior, click here.

For a final word, check out Library Journal‘s report from Digital Book World, “A More Optimistic Unconference,” which noted “a markedly different psychology among the Big Six,” and remarked that “the all-important data to buy into a new, bigger picture [of the publishing ecosystem] is compelling.”


Verso Survey: “Moving Toward a Hybrid Market”

Publishers Weekly reports on our presentation at the ABA’s Winter Institute (Wi7):

“Even as more consumers buy dedicated digital reading devices and tablets, a hybrid market for books is developing in which readers will buy both print and digital books.”

The article also details how the Survey indicates some opportunities for Independent Booksellers in the wake of the Borders shut-down.

Moby Lives mentions our Wi7 survey, and reports that they’ve been seeing hybrid all along.

Shelf Awareness reports a full roundup of our Wi7 presentation.

2012 Verso Survey news as mentioned in previous InVerso posts, includes:

Our presentation at Digital Book World this Wednesday, January 25, will discuss the Survey’s implications for the publishing industry as a whole. Join us!

For those who’d like to follow along on Twitter, the hash tag  is #dbw12.


Verso Survey: The Borders Effect

Information from the forthcoming release of our December 2011 Reader Survey continues to make news. Yesterday, “Bookselling This Week” published an extensive report on what the Survey results mean for independent booksellers.


Previous news releases, include:

Shelf Awareness with the first take on the Borders Effect,

Publishers Weekly on consumer interest in an indie-branded e-reader,

and Publishers Lunch on the changing dynamics of reader format preferences.


Verso’s Jack McKeown will discuss the Survey’s full implications for independent bookstores at Wi7 on January 19 and what it means for the publishing industry as a whole will be discussed at Digital Book World on January 25.


Verso Survey: Room for an Indie eReader?

The buzz continues building for results from our 2012 Reader Survey. Today’s report comes from Publishers Weekly, which picks up on consumer interest in an indie-branded e-reader.

To read the Publishers Lunch take on the survey, click here.

To read the  Shelf Awareness take, click here.

For comparison, you can look at the first annual survey (as presented at the ABA’s Day of Education at the 2010 Book Expo America) and the second annual survey (as presented at the 2011 Digital Book World conference).


Verso Survey: Changing Dynamics of Reader Format Preferences

Today’s Publishers Lunch breaks the latest story from the most recent Verso Reader Survey. Michael Cader quotes Verso Digital’s Jack McKeown:

“While e-reader ownership rates have increased in a dramatic fashion since our first survey in December, 2009, so too has the level of resistance. The dynamic movement highlighted in this data suggests that over time, consumers have moved out of the ‘not sure’ category in one of two directions:  a.) toward actual ownership, or a high probability of near-term ownership of a dedicated e-reader; or b.) into the ranks of resistors for whom the devices do not yet offer a compelling ‘relative advantage’ to overcome their conservatism re: printed books.”

To read about Shelf Awareness’s take on the Survey results, click here.

For comparison, you can look at the first annual survey (as presented at the ABA’s Day of Education at the 2010 Book Expo America) and the second annual survey (as presented at the 2011 Digital Book World conference).


Verso Survey: The Borders Effect

Shelf Awareness reports on our third annual survey of book readers, focusing on the effect of the Borders closing on booksellers. Verso Digital will be presenting the full results of this survey and its implications January 19, 2012 at the American Bookseller Association Winter Institute and January 25, 2012 at Digital Book World.


For reference, here are links to the first survey (version presented at the ABA’s Day of Education at the 2010 Book Expo America) and the second annual survey (version presented at the 2011 Digital Book World conference).

Our #1


Reason #6 in New York magazine’s “Reasons to Love New York” is our #1: “Our Marlboro Man Is a Novelist.”


This is a case study in the right billboard in the right place at the right time. Congratulations to Verso’s media team for sniffing out the opportunity, Verso’s design team for a billboard that stood tall in the Times Square glare,  and Jeffrey Eugenides for writing the novel that inspires us all.