Next to Now: Holidays Are Here Edition

As the New York City sidewalks become forests of blue spruce and Canadian tree sellers and the Rockefeller Center tree lights up the night, the world of digital advertising continues to evolve. Here are links to some of the most relevant ad news we’ve seen this week: ADBLOCKING NOT YET AN ISSUE FOR MOBILE Nieman Lab […]

Next to Now: Improve Your Social Life Edition

This weeks’s Next to Now includes links to articles on standing out on Snapchat, partnering with Instagram, and checking out an experiment that gives people a real, human stake in an outdoor ad campaign.  HOW TO STAND OUT ON SNAPCHAT This article gives a good primer about strategies to get a presence on Snapchat without […]

Next to Now: “Fall Back” Edition

With the end of Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, we enter the homestretch of the year. Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this week—looking forward even as we “fall back.” SHOULD FOLLOWER COUNT DETERMINE WORTH? It’s a question that depends on context. For regular everyday products like shoes, toasters, or books, the answer is […]

Next to Now: First Week of Fall (Official)

According to the calendar, autumn began this week. We can feel the turn in the air even though the work pace has been fall-fast for weeks now. A lot has shifted in advertising this month—between Chrome dropping support for Flash and iOS9 enabling ad blockers—and as usual we’re keeping an eye on what’s about to […]

Next to Now: Labor Day Weekend Edition

INSTAGRAM ADS PERFORMING WELL While the minimum spend to work with Instagram directly is still too pricey for book publishers, those larger brands currently working with the platform are reporting highly efficient campaigns. “For now, Instagram is still a premium ad space, according to marketing experts. Salesforce says Instagram ads get almost double the click […]

Next to Now: “Everybody in the Pool” Edition

PERISCOPE UP Periscope now has 10 million users who watch 21 million minutes a day. #social #video FACEBOOK ADS OUTPERFORM OTHER SOCIAL NETWORKS More marketers say they’re satisfied with Facebook ad performance than say the same about LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube. Those platforms all serve very different functions so it’s a little disingenuous to put […]