Tag Archives: Shelf Awareness

Verso Survey: “Moving Toward a Hybrid Market”

Publishers Weekly reports on our presentation at the ABA’s Winter Institute (Wi7):

“Even as more consumers buy dedicated digital reading devices and tablets, a hybrid market for books is developing in which readers will buy both print and digital books.”

The article also details how the Survey indicates some opportunities for Independent Booksellers in the wake of the Borders shut-down.

Moby Lives mentions our Wi7 survey, and reports that they’ve been seeing hybrid all along.

Shelf Awareness reports a full roundup of our Wi7 presentation.

2012 Verso Survey news as mentioned in previous InVerso posts, includes:

Our presentation at Digital Book World this Wednesday, January 25, will discuss the Survey’s implications for the publishing industry as a whole. Join us!

For those who’d like to follow along on Twitter, the hash tag  is #dbw12.


Verso Survey: The Borders Effect

Shelf Awareness reports on our third annual survey of book readers, focusing on the effect of the Borders closing on booksellers. Verso Digital will be presenting the full results of this survey and its implications January 19, 2012 at the American Bookseller Association Winter Institute and January 25, 2012 at Digital Book World.


For reference, here are links to the first survey (version presented at the ABA’s Day of Education at the 2010 Book Expo America) and the second annual survey (version presented at the 2011 Digital Book World conference).

2011 Survey Links

We are grateful to Digital Book World for allowing us to present the latest survey results at their 2011 conference. Some of the results were more than surprising and the news was picked up throughout the industry and around the world.

Click here to read Publishers Weekly on what the results say about the role of libraries in discovery of both print and ebooks.

Click here to read Library Journal on our survey’s implications for “the ebook lending gap.”

Click here to read Shelf Awareness on our presentation at Wi6 and the “Hybrid E- and Print-Book Market.” …And here to read Shelf Awareness reporting on how Verso’s survey complemented other research presented at DBW by Bowker and iModerate. …A few days later Shelf Awareness reported again on the hybrid market, going deeper into the implications of the survey.

Click here to read Bookselling This Week on the common themes that emerged from all the surveys presented at DBW.

And during his weekly #pubQT chat on Twitter, @RonHogan mentioned some of the results: